Before Samsung launched theGalaxy S24series in January, there were rumors that the new phones would include satellite messaging, similar to the feature available on Apple’s newer models. While this feature was not included at the launch, it’s now finally rolling out for some users.
According toSamMobile, some Galaxy S24 andGalaxy Z Fold 6users in the U.S. are now starting to receive this feature.
Before getting too excited, however, this news comes with a caveat. It’s only available to T-Mobile customers who applied to test the company’s T-Mobile Starlink service. T-Mobile announced that feature in August 2022, and earlier this month, it (finally)announcedthat satellite messaging beta registration would soon be available for direct-to-cell satellite service. It doesn’t require a fee; you must have a postpaid account. You cansign up to test the feature now.
For users with supported devices, navigate to Settings > Connections > Satellite Networks to find the listing. Once set up, you can send and receive messages in areas without nearby cellular network coverage.
The T-Mobile Starlink service remains in beta. When released to the public, it should be available on any T-Mobile Android phone with LTE connectivity.
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Android 15introduced satellite messaging support to Android phones for the first time, potentially enhancing communication capabilities in remote areas where traditional cellular networks are unavailable. This feature enables users to send texts for emergencies and other important messages via satellite, ensuring connectivity even in the most isolated environments.
However, carrier support and compatible devices are required to utilize this functionality entirely. Unfortunately, most manufacturers are still integrating this capability into their devices.
Meanwhile, since the iPhone 14 series, Apple iPhones have supported satellite messaging.